Žaliasis lobis
Andre titler: The green treasure
År: 1960
Beskrivelse: Documentary film shows how in Lithuania maize was growing up. Scientist Antanas Budvytis from Dotnuva Agriculture Institute investigates the seeds of maize at the laboratory and looks for their growth in the fields of the Institute. The Republics of the USSR take support for growing maize in Lithuania. They send technical equipment, fertilisers and seeds of maize. Tractor-driver of Pirčiupis collective farm Petras Abraitis prepares ground for maize sowing. Tractor-driver of Gegužės Pirmosios collective farm Vytas Sabataitis sows maize with special technical equipment. Documentary shows the growth of maize from sowing until harvest. There are shown different statistical diagrams. Agriculturalist of Gintaras collective farm Stasė Vitkauskaitė gives a lecture to farmers and pupils about the maize growing. Farmer of Alionis collective farm in Širvintai district Zuzana Motiejūnienė takes care of maize in the fields of the collective farm. Harvest of maize. Preparation works of the fodder from maize in Aristavas collective farm in Kėdainiai district. Cattle in farms are having feed from maize. Milkmaid from Bolshevikas collective farm Kotryna Balsevičienė and chairman of the collective farm Bengardavičius speak about use of maize in cattle feeding. At the exhibition of Agricultural Achievements of Lithuania maize had been grown in Lithuania are shown.
Nøgleord: Gyvulininkystė / Kolūkiai / Mokslas / Ūkio parodos / Žemdirbystė / Žemės ūkis / Science
Udbyder: Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybės Archyvas
Rettigheder: In Copyright / Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybes Archyvas
Farve: Black & White
Director: Piotras Kalabuchovas
Sound: With sound
Related Names
- Canzio, Stefano | Director
- Escobar, Amedeo | Music
- Gervasio, Raffaele | Music
- Masetti, Enzo | Music
- Carta, Mario | Music
- Ramarini, Marcella | Editor
- Nuccorini, Adalgisa | la sposa
- Francisci, Pietro | lo sposo
- Pallavicini, Sandro | testimone
- Gervasio, Raffaele | testimone
- Tramontana, Severino | david